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Bad Air Sponge, Bad Air Sponge, 14 oz (396 g)

Артикул: BSP-00001 (590909977)
ID: 459940323
932,93 руб.
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UPC Код: 816261000013 Описание * The Original * All Purpose * Mateson Chemical * Safe For The Environment and The People Who Use it!® Odor Absorbent * Our exclusive DEGHOST® formula will: Adsorb surface odors, Capture airborne odors, and Draw Out Odors from curtains, walls, furniture, carpets etc... * Based on our unique, patented  formula. * Used in industry since 1953. * Proud to be the only air quality product chosen to help after the initial, 1993, Twin Tower incident. For: * Bathroom * Mildew * Closets * Smoke * Decay * Wet Carpets * Kitchens * Basements * Pets * Boats * Cars Рекомендации по применению Remove lid and place in affected area. For heavy odors remove BAD AIR SPONGE® onto its lid. For better efficiency, place product in air stream moving toward the problem area. Product coverage is approximately 14 oz. per 400 sq. ft. area. Trace fragrance will fade as the product continues to neutralize odors. Ингредиенты BAD AIR SPONGE��(BAS)�is a semi-solid gel containing activated charcoal, humectants and reagents which adsorb,neutralize and alter undesirable odors and fumes.�It is designed for continuous use, is non-toxic, non-flammable, environmentally safe and easy to apply.�BAS�can be placed inside air handling equipment to adsorb and neutralize odors as product is dispersed and circulated throughout an entire building. Or place�BAS�in affected areas for odor remediation.�BAS�reduces in size as it reacts with airborne odor causing compounds.�BAS�will last 30 to 150 days based on product size loading. The residual material is both pH balanced and 100% biodegradable. This product has been used in central air systems as an odor adsorbant for�50+ years and no known instance of allergies or sensitivities have been reported or recorded. Load Recommendations: Light Odors:������ 1lb. per 400 sq.ft. or ton of A/C or 350 CFM of fan capacity Directions for Usage: To activate product remove lid and place; 1) inside the supply air plenum (area behind air filter) and in front of the coils of your system, 2) inside supply air ducting; or, 3) in any affected area. For maximum effectiveness eject�BAD AIR SPONGE��onto lid, removing container. Предупреждения Keep away from children & pets. Keep container away from open flames. Product may: freeze at 32ºF and melt at 125ºF as it continues to work. Product will last a minimum of 75 days.
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08 фев в 15:04
Идет сбор заказов
Собрано 21%
Выкуп № 1
Мин. сумма выкупа: 8 000 руб.
Орг. сбор: 5,00 %
Участников закупки: 2
Каталог обновлен: 25.04.2021