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Earth's Natural Alternative, Natural Compostable Bowl, 125 Count

Артикул: ERN-00420 (0507357186)
ID: 459940404
1 093,86 руб.
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UPC Код: 854147004205 Описание * Earth's Natural Alternative Made from unbleached, chlorine free, pesticide free, dye free, natural bamboo and sugarcane fiber. Microwave safe and is liquid/oil resistant. Can be used for both hot and cold foods Tree-free, environmentally beneficial, compostable in any industrial composting facilities Material is gluten free - made from the plant stalk not grains, which store the proteins and allergens Ингредиенты Plant Fiber Предупреждения To avoid danger of suffocation, keep bag away from babies & children. Do not use in cribs, playpens or beds. This bag is not a toy.
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Закупку проводит
08 фев в 15:04
Идет сбор заказов
Собрано 21%
Выкуп № 1
Мин. сумма выкупа: 8 000 руб.
Орг. сбор: 5,00 %
Участников закупки: 2
Каталог обновлен: 25.04.2021